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Superb Views from Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

11 Days Tanzania Photography & Discovery

This photo safari to East Africa is in Tanzania, famous for its unforgettable wildlife, exotic culture, and breathtaking landscapes. You’ll go to well-known places such as the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater and some lesser-known but equally amazing places such as Tarangire National Park as well as visit local Maasai Villages. You will have time to immerse yourself in shooting wildlife and discussing it with other avid photographers!

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Prices are based on 2 adults sharing a room and the length of stay at hotel. Offer subject to availability at the time of booking. Price may vary depending on flight and hotel availability and changes in exchange rates. Terms and Conditions apply.

Day 1: Arrival – JRO

Accommodation: Arusha Coffee Lodge


Upon arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), you will be met and taken to your Arusha Hotel for dinner with the group and an overnight stay.

Day 2: Tarangire National Park

Accommodation: Oliver’s camp

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After breakfast, local guides will meet you at the lodge and you’ll depart on safari to Tarangire National Park, a lesser-known but spectacular park for its scenery and wildlife.

You’ll have a picnic lunch in the park and spend the afternoon game viewing within the northern part of the park. At sunset, you’ll arrive at the lodge within the park for dinner and an early bedtime for the full day tomorrow.

Day 3: Tarangire National Park

Accommodation: Oliver’s camp

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Today, you’ll spend a full day in Tarangire National Park. You’ll start early to catch the best light and return to the lodge in a late morning. During midday, you’ll spend time at the lodge, resting, eating a hot lunch, and reviewing the morning’s images.

After that, you’ll head out in the mid-afternoon for another game drive during the late afternoon light that is spectacular when it hits the baobab trees in Tarangire. Then you’ll return to your lodging in the park for a great dinner and well-earned rest.

Day 4-5: Tarangire + Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Accommodation: Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

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After breakfast, you will depart the Tarangire area and head to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area where you’ll spend 2 nights. Ngorongoro is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the best locations in the world for wildlife viewing. Wildlife viewing at the crater is great year-round, but just before the wet season when you will be visiting, there will be fewer crowds of tourists.

Your safari lodge is perched on the eastern rim of the crater which has great sunsets and ideally situated at the head of one of the two access roads into the crater. This means that you can take breakfast with you and descend to the crater floor at first light. You’ll spend all day searching for game, breaking only for lunch in a photogenic spot. At the end of the day, you’ll return to your lodging for dinner and a well-earned rest in your beds.

Day 6: Serengeti National Park

Accommodation: Ndutu Safari Lodge

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Today, after breakfast, you’ll visit Maasai Village at Mount Makarot. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about this amazing culture and make fascinating portraits.

From there, you will head to the Serengeti, stopping for lunch at Oldupai Gorge and its small but famous museum founded by Mary Leakey, dedicated to educating visitors about pale-anthropological research and artifacts from the surrounding area. You will photograph wildlife as you enter the Serengeti and then finish the day with dinner at the next destination.

Days 7-8: Serengeti National Park

Accommodation: Ndutu Safari Lodge

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Ndutu is a short-grass plains area in the southernmost part of the Serengeti and the camp is right in the middle of it. This means you’ll spend more time viewing wildlife and less time driving to it.

You’ll spend the next 2 days here leaving by dawn for the best light, eating breakfast on the road, then returning to camp at noon while the sun is high and the animals are resting. After eating lunch and downloading images, you will head out again for the late afternoon light.

This time of year is the calving season for the migratory antelope and wildebeest and your expert guides will bring you to various spots for prime game viewing. At night, you will have a campfire and dinner back at the camp and an opportunity to share and discuss your photos with the group.

Days 9-10: Serengeti National Park

Accommodation: Ndutu Safari Lodge Lodge

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After breakfast, you will leave your camp and photograph more wildlife along the way to your final lodge further north in the Serengeti. You will spend two nights here away from any crowds and, although you’ve left the migration herds behind in the south, the area you will be in is full of big cats that don’t migrate. This is a prime area for sighting the elusive leopard!

Day 11: Depart / Arusha

After breakfast on your last morning, you will fly back to Arusha and have lunch together, do any last-minute shopping, then head back to your lodge where a day room will be available before an evening transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) for your departure flight.

Safaris Included

Transport in Landcruiser 4×4
Accommodation as specified in the itinerary.
All meals including Hallal food and Vegans.
Park entrance fees.
All taxes and gratuities.
Mineral water for duration of the safari.
Domestic flights as indicated in the itinerary.
Cultural visit.



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